Oooookay, so enough pussyfooting around and let me just jump straight into my grievance today and that would be with society's perception of what weird is.
Ask anyone what it means to be a bit weird and they will tell you that it's something strange, odd, different or basically against expectations. But you see, what exactly is expected of us as humans? There isn't really a guidebook on how to live or anything such as that in fact if anything the only rules really I think are the rules that keep you alive...that's if you are wanting to stay alive. You know, stuff like eating, drinking, sleeping. Don't get that, you die, simple as that, everything else is just a bonus really, how to speak? Not necessary for survival, what music to listen to? Your choice affects not how alive you are. Who to love? Again, just add ons.
Now another thing also is that everyone has a life, that is their own and that live is yours to do with it what you choose. No-one asks to be born, no-one choose when they wish to be alive but seeing as you cannot affect or choose that, you may as well choose and affect how you want to live your life, keyword being 'your'.
I don't know, maybe it's just me but I tend to notice there's a lot of interference in your lives as you live it, I am not talking about like when parents tell you not to touch that thing or you'll burn yourself or when they choose what school you go to and that...although...Anyway, I was thinking more about society and what it means to be 'cool' and 'weird' and other such labels. This also goes with expectations and such because why should other people dictate what music you like, what shows you watch, how you dress, who you like, when in fact it's actually you life? If they want someone that is so and so then why can't they just be that person themselves rather than wanting someone else to do so?.
Now, about the who you love thing, this is an especially annoying thing for me as there is a stigma around certain aspects of it such as who you are attracted to, what gender you're attracted to and so forth.
It's not the hate for them that I dislike intensely as people are free to hate who they want to hate, who am I to tell someone what they should like and dislike, who is anybody to do that really. What galls me is that I quite frankly find the logic of some people's reasoning of hating people like that shocking.
In case it hasn't been figured out, this is really about people attracted to the same sex especially males really, can't really say much about females to comment that much about it. Anywa- in fact, that's another thing, some of the males that are hugely homophobic have absolutely no problem with lesbians and rather find them a turn on but hold on...isn't that just hypocritical? No-one is saying you have to enjoy two men kissing but it just seems rather foolish to be homophobic in that way when you get the same enjoyment if it were two women.
"Ohhh, but it's not right". Yeah, who are you to judge what's not right or not, who are you to decide the factors on all this? The world just simply does not work like that, things are what things are, that's what I say, a green square is a green square, its meaning only changes depending on the observer, that being said, the same apply to two people of the same sex kissing or whatever, it is what it is, nothing more nothing less, some will see it as being right, some will see it as being wrong.
I'm sure there are many other reasons why people may not like gay people and I'm not complaining about that as people can hate who they want to hate but to me the reasons I hear for some doing so are hypocritical and do not really make any sense.