Friday, 26 November 2010

That’s what’s up girl

Do you know sometimes you’ll mock me and all but do you know what’s difficult? Knowing stuff, understanding stuff, having a high need for cognition, wanting to understand why things work, how things work. Psychology and even a bit of sociology, I am so glad that I studied that. I can’t even tell if I was being a bit sarcastic with that last sentence there but maybe that’s because I don’t know.

You see, what happened today, or rather yesterday well, I don’t want to want to come across all smug and in an “I told you so” manner but I feel sort of justified and that my feelings and things that I thought would happen, well that they did. You see, I do feel that I know what I’m talking about when it comes to some stuff that people just see me as being negative, critical or whatever but if I didn’t feel that that then I would not be saying these things.

I’m not going to say “I told you so” or anything like that and there are times that I really wish people would listen and not just hear me, I mean actually listen to what I’m saying but I guess it’s just the nature of people isn’t it? They all want to open the box and see the cat for themselves.

In regards to you Emily, yes I really did see your point, I did understand, I did know your pain that you weren’t known and how it was affecting you, I wasn’t oblivious to it but you see, when you’re me and you think things out objectively and that you get put in a position where all the options you can take are going to be…messy ones, that no matter what you do the status quo will be affected in some way. When I can see the choices and it makes me feel a bit conflicted inside. This isn’t just in regards to yesterday but in other things that I deny you. I’m really sorry for all of it, sometimes I wish I didn’t have to make the choice but alas.

I hope you can understand a little of why I do certain things and not do others, perhaps you might feel I could go about it better or something, in a different way, but every single time I struggle which the choice of the best option to take, I try and do for the greater good sometimes.

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