SUCCESS! HURRAH! Finally a date has been given to me for my knee thing and that date is 15th December. It scary to think that after 3 years of this pain in my knee, it is this close to getting fixed, almost feel a bit scared to be excited or even to think about it. Or even to talk about it. Why? Because it’s hope…and the thing about hope is that if you take that away from someone, it hurts more than anything else ever could. Okay maybe that’s a bit of a hyperbole but the thing is, this is something that I want to get to a soon as possible. This is a bridge I want to cross as soon as I can and then and then do I want to reflect on my journey here and the possibilities that await.
Anyway, just reading Lullaby after finishing Invisible Monsters and yeah, while the book [Invisible Monsters] was interesting and full of twists, it probably will not be a favourite of mine.

Not that I hated it but we’ll see after I actually digest it which can take a while to do so but the good thing about it is that I’m starting to get back into reading and so hoping I’ll go on a run or something then I can read the books I' have but have yet to actually start reading and to scope out some libraries for more reading material.
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