Wednesday, 22 May 2013

Dark Rainclouds Gather

So now I’m on holiday, woo. I’d be a little bit more excited but it’s just doesn’t feel right at least not right now. I’ve got such much stuff to do during this holiday, so many things to sort out and I’m also going to the MCM Expo this weekend so that’s going to be exciting times, I’m still a little bit unsure who I’m going with so that kind of sucks because I’m not sure who’s going, what day they’re going so it might be a case that I’ll be attending the majority of it or at least one day by myself again but it’ll still be fun regardless.

Today I’m not really in the greatest of moods simply because it’s the funeral of a close neighbour and a close friend of the family and yeah it was kind of depressing seeing my mum and sister get ready to go to the funeral because it’s going to be a sad event and I just know that as I sit here recording this they’ll come back in tears they’ll be crying and I’ll just won’t know what to say, what to do or anything like that.

Sunday, 19 May 2013

Too many voices, not enough action

Ahhh I think that match sums up our season really, good spells and the potential is there but ultimately if a little bit more application and effort is shown by certain people then we would do so much better.

The final score today was 3-3 and also of note is how I finally scored after however many games it was but as always I forget about those goals as quickly as I score them and focus on the chances I missed.

I wanted to win but it was apparent from the kickoff that not everyone shared my sentiments as the attitude of some players in the squad is poor. Next year that has got to stop, as I said in my last Samba Magician video I know what I'll be doing to improve myself and that's the attitude a lot of people don't seem to take. They seem to think they are faultless and blameless but it's often the ones who think that aren't really.

Saturday, 18 May 2013

Extreme Rules Predictions

Extreme Rules predictions

So Extreme Rules is fast approaching and pretty soon the pay per view that follows the granddaddy of them all will be upon us.

Let's have a look at the match card and allow me to present to you my views on it. This is in no particular order so with that being said let's start off with the pre-show

Wednesday, 15 May 2013

The Next Generation

The next generation of consoles already started with the Wii-U but let's face it, I hardly care about the Wii-U, it's not like the Wii before it where I was intrigued by it and that I had to purchase it as it'd be the only way to play the latest Super Smash Brothers and that was all I really wanted to play at the time.

I didn't get the Wii at release date but a bit afterwards but well in advance of the Super Smash Brothers Brawl release date just so I was ready and prepared for when it came out. I do not feel this with the Wii-U, maybe part of it is because there isn't an actual release date for the Wii-U edition of the popular franchise but I feel a large part is due to the fact that for me the Wii-U is extremely underwhelming and doesn't really have any real stand out reason for me to go and purchase one right now. Sure, it has Zombi U which does actually look interesting to me and I played a bit at Eurogamer and it's worth a look at but I really don't want to be getting a console again just for one real game again, I want it to already have a plethora of great titles and must have games, something that personally I feel the Wii-U fails at.

Monday, 13 May 2013

Time to get Extreme

Trying to work out how to do this WWE Extreme Rules predictions video seeing as Dean is going to be involved but thinking about whether we should play WWE 13 in the background or something. Hmm what to do, what to do.

Sunday, 12 May 2013

Records are made to be broken

A hat trick was scored and it was ruthless, no mercy was given, it was the sort of hat trick that people could do nothing except for applaud. Oh yes, it was that good!

...Just a shame that the hat trick was scored by the other team...and to tell the truth I have no idea whether they actually scored 4 goals or 5 goals or whether someone else actually got their hat trick as well.

Yeah, we lost...badly

I also heard after the match that this was actually our worst ever defeat and boy were we setting records when they scored 15 goals past us with no response whatsoever.

Friday, 10 May 2013

Injustice: Gods Among Us review

Wait what...There was a prequel comic which explained a lot of the events that took place before the game? Why was I not informed of this, I would have loved to have read it and got a heck of a lot more background information on the game and what was happening but sure as hell did not affect my enjoyment of the game whatsoever.

I recently bought myself Injustice: Gods Among Us which is a beat 'em up, a fighting game on a 2D plane in the mold of Mortal Kombat and personally asides Tekken and Super Smash Brothers I'm not really what you would call a fighting game enthusiast, I mean sure I got Marvel vs Capcom 3 but that was mainly because IT'S FREAKING MARVEL, why wouldn't I want to play as the likes of Iron Man, Magneto, Deadpool and FRICKING CAPCOM who had Christopher Redfield, Tron Bonne and Viewtiful Joe so I was always going to get it but hoooo boy, beginner friendly? I think NOT! It might have just been me but it also didn't help that the story wasn't that brilliant or that memorable.

I notice that I don't really know a single person that actually enjoys fighting games and perhaps that's due to the complexity of the games and things such as juggles, turtling, tech rolls, frame data, recovery frames and general advanced stuff like that, I think it can make it very overwhelming and not fun to play especially when you get matched up against someone that does know all about it and it becomes a bit of a mismatched competition.

I also think that fights can sometimes just not be aesthetically pleasing especially when you watch experts against each other, there are certain exceptions like if you've ever seen the ending of Daigo’s Ken massive comeback vs Justin Wong’s Chun-Li because that right there, that was a thing of beauty and understand the difficulty of what he did but for the most part the fights aren't that exciting and just resort to people dashing, cancelling and repeating the same few moves over and over when you’d want a little more variety and it just more of a game and less of an actual fight.

I don’t get this with Injustice, the moves and cinematic during fights make it feel like it's a proper superhero battle, the transitions between levels in stages all adds to the experience and makes it feel a lot more engaging as do the super moves that each character has, I especially love the whole over the top feel that they have to it especially Doomsday’s and Aquaman’s supermove, the clash battles also add to it as well but they do feel a bit gimmicky and I could do without it, I don’t remember ever initiating one, it was always the computer that forced one.

The story in itself was quite interesting and involves an alternate dimension which instantly gives you the reason why Batman is fighting the likes of Superman, Flash and Nightwing and similiar confrontations like that. Superman is pretty much running the alternate dimension with an iron fist after a major casualty and it does bring up some questions like what happens when the strongest entity isn't fighting for "your side" anymore. You do see some pretty interesting stuff and decisions taken by some of the characters especially Superman, I would have like to have seen how this world is viewed in the eyes of ordinary civilians but I suppose that’s something that can’t really be done in a game such as this without making the story mode feel long and dragged out.

There are a bunch of other modes like a S.T.A.R.S Labs mode which is like a challenge mode where you fight with certain stipulations which seems fun, I haven't really gotten that far into that yet but I enjoyed Super Smash Brother’s Melee’s challenge mode especially Super Mario 128 so I imagine I’ll enjoy the S.T.A.R.S Labs a great deal. There's a battle mode where you can do the classic fighting game formula and fight random 8 superheroes or villains before fighting the big bad in Superman and of course everyone comes with their own ending.

Finally there is multiplayer including online which I guess is very important to a lot of people but to me? Not really. Mainly because when it comes to fighting games, they require precision timing and being in exact positions to pull of successful combos and you missing a punch which keeps your opponent juggled for to you to do you next combo could make the difference between winning and losing and getting a good control on the match I feel is impossible due to the lag that this game has. The only fighting game I’ve ever been able to play online is Tekken because I don't suffer too badly from lag there, even Brawl online was woeful, so asides me going to local tournaments or playing local multiplayer and the likes there isn't really a way of me getting better at this because the AI are extremely limited in fighting games and just come across as being cheap which ruins the fun.

All in all I found this game to be very fun and enjoyable especially learning about superheroes and villains that I didn't know too much about before like Shazam, that being said...Deathstroke...eurgh...I have problems against that guy what with his guns and him being impossible to approach normally. I definitely enjoyed this and I’d put it in the 80 to 90 out of hundred bracket if I were to do ratings and that but I don’t. Still, great game.

That’s about it for my Injustice review the next game I shall be playing is going to be Tomb Raider as in the 2013 edition but until then this is the Silver Assassin signing out, over and out.

Wednesday, 8 May 2013

Answering The Call of Duty

I never liked Call of Duty, mainly because I felt I was no good at first person shooters, reason being is that I personally preferred the slow calculated approach and working as a team which Left 4 Dead certainly promoted whereas games like Call of Duty, there was nothing but an influx of lone wolves. In playing Black Ops 2 at times I was like "alright guys you've shown you're awesome by getting a 31-3 kill death ratio now can you please help us capture some flags, pick up tags, set the bomb whatever or however it is you actually win the game?"

Don't get it misconstrued as I am not one of those people that say “I only play the objective which makes me better than you even though my KDR is 13-29, it's your fault we lost” because I personally believe that a good team needs a mixture of people playing the objective and people that are slayers.

Sunday, 5 May 2013

Finally…a Return To The WWE

So professional wrestling eh? Yeah I watch that.

I started watching wrestling probably a tiny bit before the whole Attitude era but I can't say I would remember a lot of it. What I'd used to do was watch WCW on Friday night on TNT I think it was with my dad until bed time and then record the rest and watch the Saturday morning before going to Saturday school or when I wasn't going there before WWF as it was called back then came on Sky.

I used to watch these religiously and would never miss a show, I never watched the PPV as we could never afford to buy them so I relied on those still images you'd get the Smackdown/Raw after and I'd work out what happened from that.

Saturday, 4 May 2013

Time To Make It 2 Out Of 3

The journey to Milton Keynes for the English Deaf Football final against Birmingham was tiring...but it was worth it, question, why was it worth it? Answer: Because of this. Yes ladies and gentlemen the Samba Magician is now a two time back to back EDF Champion. And this comes a week after getting this runners up medal after being beat 7-0 in that final but let's reflect on the positive stuff

I like to think that feeling extremely hyped up for the match and woooo, that was crazy, I like to think that that contributed to that first 45 minutes where myself and the rest of the team went in hard.