Sunday, 5 May 2013

Finally…a Return To The WWE

So professional wrestling eh? Yeah I watch that.

I started watching wrestling probably a tiny bit before the whole Attitude era but I can't say I would remember a lot of it. What I'd used to do was watch WCW on Friday night on TNT I think it was with my dad until bed time and then record the rest and watch the Saturday morning before going to Saturday school or when I wasn't going there before WWF as it was called back then came on Sky.

I used to watch these religiously and would never miss a show, I never watched the PPV as we could never afford to buy them so I relied on those still images you'd get the Smackdown/Raw after and I'd work out what happened from that.

It was a big thing in the playground but a craze, like how Pokémon were, how Tamigotchis were, or those aliens in goo that could apparently breed with each other were......yeah...anyway despite the shows insistence to "Please do not try this at home" we still wrestled in the playground. Obviously none of us were strong enough to do actual suplexes but we just used our imagination for things like that.

Anyway we always used to wrestle whenever we get the chance and imitate what we saw on TV, I remember Kyle used to be the Rock, Trevor was Stone Cold and I used to want to be Mankind and boy I would actually take some of the bumps from the moves, I remember at one point I actually got pedigreed onto the concrete floor of the playground, oh boy I had a headache for days.

I suppose as I got older and went to a boarding school my opportunities to watch wrestling was very limited, heck I think during that whole spell I must have only tuned in to watch a show about 2 or 3 times and that as even then that was at Lee’s house. Thinking back on it I think I may have missed a great era but ah well you can’t change the past.

So why did I get back into it? Well as anything if you don’t really have people with similar interest then it is kind to hard maintain interest in it if there’s no-one to really talk to about it but I guess this is where Dean comes in. I found out he liked wrestling and that got me back into it and coincidently WrestleMania was the next PPV and the main event was going to be The Rock vs John Cena so I guess you could say The Rock got me back into wrestling as I already knew who John Cena was, seen him a couple of times didn’t like him but I knew that he was…the main star in a way.

If anything what I’ve just explained there was probably a good advertisement for all these part-timers coming back at the big shows like this but I still have my issues with that but maybe that's for another entry.

Anyway so my first PPV I watched live would have been WrestleMania 28 and then I've taken to watching it wherever I can and it's almost a year since I've gotten back into it and I'm glad for that.

Deano and Mickey are the people I talk to the most about wrestling news but there are fair few others who share the same interest and are great to talk to about it. I think about it and it makes me think how dependent on where you are people have a lot more shared interests than you may think.

Anyway I'll post a fair bit about my opinions on WWE, TNA or whatever but in the meantime, take care until next time.

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