I never liked Call of Duty, mainly because I felt I was no good at first person shooters, reason being is that I personally preferred the slow calculated approach and working as a team which Left 4 Dead certainly promoted whereas games like Call of Duty, there was nothing but an influx of lone wolves. In playing Black Ops 2 at times I was like "alright guys you've shown you're awesome by getting a 31-3 kill death ratio now can you please help us capture some flags, pick up tags, set the bomb whatever or however it is you actually win the game?"
Don't get it misconstrued as I am not one of those people that say “I only play the objective which makes me better than you even though my KDR is 13-29, it's your fault we lost” because I personally believe that a good team needs a mixture of people playing the objective and people that are slayers.
I gave Black Ops 2 a go because why not, I had played Medal of Honor: Warfighter and loved that to bits even though at Eurogamer I was umm, I actually thought it was kind of generic, yeah me and Mikey thought it was kind of generic, I played Medal of Honor: Warfighter I loved that to bits especially the buddy system, that was awesome and it was just at a perfect pace, so it was like, so it was at a slow pace which personally I like but when it came to close quarter combat situations it was still fast, I’m not one of those people that complain about sponging bullets personally I actually prefer that than to the two hits you’re dead Call of Duty approach as you barely have any time to react.
That was still just a warm up just for first person shooters that’s why I played Medal of Honor and it was my first serious first person shooter on multiplayer, I don’t count the times like Timesplitters because that was local multiplayer which doesn’t count.
So what do I think about Call of Duty Black ops 2. Truth of the matter is that it's not that great, yeah I said it...now hold on Mikey I know what you're going to say, you’re going to say "so why do you play it all the time?" “Why don’t you play something else” which is an interesting question, I think the reason why I play it is that it is quite easy to pick up and get the hang of it, it’s quite accessible meaning you can get to grips with it easily and I know I have as opposed to other game where it takes an age to really get into it.
I don't really know what it is about it but bear in mind that this is still my first and probably last Call of Duty for a bit because I'm feeling exactly the same as I did last year with Fifa 12 and that was my game of choice throughout last year. Once I proclaimed myself king of Fifa 12 (sorry Kalid, Matt, Eamon, Lee you know this to be true) I moved on from that game and I effectively skipped out on Fifa 13, the only reason I got is because I remember Kalid had Fifa 13 and he wanted me to play against him and then play a bit of pro clubs, I really was not feeling Fifa 13 but he wanted to play so I was just like “okay fine I’ll go and get it”, so I went out and got it, came back same day but yeah I just don’t play it, other than all the times where he asks me “oh do you want to play pro clubs oh do you want to play a match” that’s it I don’t really play it of my own choice.
Anyway back to Call of Duty, the game is flawed but that's not to say it's not enjoyable at times, of course it's better when you're playing with your friends and such but that doesn't happen much often anymore especially as Mikey gets frustrated at the game a lot of the times which can be quite amusing actually. It's a shame he played with me when I was still getting to grips with the game because I’m a lot better now meaning it would be a lot more fun for him when we team up I imagine.
Multiplayer is the one I stick to and playing by yourself can be frustrating especially while you may not care about winning, I know I don't really but that's more to do with the fact that there are so many factors out of my control like random team mates, that’s the big one. You might not care if you win but tell me where is the fun in being dominated in Domination time and time again, where is the fun in being spawn camped so hard that you end up dying a good two seconds right after you spawned? It sure isn't fun being quick scoped relentlessly by a group of 5 people all using sniper rifles on a map like Hijacked, I mean really? Hijacked? IT’S A BOAT!
Speaking of the maps, they’re not really that much better either, while it may seem like I hate Hijacked, I can live with that because every first person shooter needs a small chaotic map, just to let people unwind and I've accepted that Hijacked is Black Ops 2's version of a small chaotic map and rather than hate it like some people have I've just embraced it and every time that map is on I just have fun and let loose however, Carrier, Aftermath, Turbine and Yemen, I detest them with the fiery intensity of a thousand suns. The only decent maps in the game I feel are Raid, Standoff and Slums (Grind, Encore and Vertigo can be great at times)
Anyway for my first Call of Duty I certainly like to think I've picked it up quite well and gotten the hang of it and all its nuances. It's still a flawed game and in all honesty I would rather play Medal of Honor: Warfighter and I really enjoyed that however it was very limited in comparison to Call of Duty but it just did so many things better.
Once you like past its flaws and all that, it’s still a game where you can just enjoy yourself, good to unwind, good time waster but every now and then you’ll get placed into a match where the lag is just so bad or the other team is just spawn camping you and that it just completely ruins your enjoyment of the game, in other games I guess it’s the same but Call of Duty just has it worse perhaps due to its popularity.
Anyway this is the Silver Assassin signing out, over and out
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