Well, May has come and gone and now I await the start of June which brings the Fifa World Cup to the screens. Some people like it, some hate it but I can’t deny that some good memories were made from the atmosphere when matches were on. Not just the matches themselves but memories of having a barbeque while France vs Spain plays on the TV or going on a trip to an adventure playground and coming back in time to watch Germany and Italy face off, and then there’s all the pranks and messing around we did. Good times.
Anyway as for May it seems I went through quite a lot of things this month, just things like changing my phone number back to the original one (thank goodness) which means I don’t have to worry about forgetting my number since it’s so ingrained in my head and is actually quite easy to remember and paying fines and seeing the physiotherapist about my knee have been bit…can’t think of the word right now but ‘exhausting’ wouldn’t be a bad word to use.
I also had an interview for a foundation course for a university and I’m hoping I can get it as if I do then I can really get down to business and actually work towards my goal of living the good life and all, if not then…I don’t know…but I’ll cross that bridge when I come to it.
Read quite a few books and manga this month, them being Snuff, Harry Potter and the Prisoner of Azkaban, The Appeal, Moving Pictures, Men At Arms, Feet Of clay, Dragon Ball Z Volumes 18-25 (because the libraries didn’t have any of the ones before and the very last one either), Angels & Demons, Death Note Vol 1-6 (except 2), The Ring (graphic novel) and I’ve started Mort. Next month I don’t think I’ve read…actually never mind as I just looked to my left and I see a huge pile of unread books that need reading but I best not take out anymore until I get all this done, also getting extremely hooked on Death Note so I keep going to Waterstones isn’t helping but bleh at least I know it’s something that I’ll be buying soonish.
Also, courtesy of Lovefilm I managed to watched the entire Futurama first season and the first five episodes of the second season and will be looking forward to the rest of it, the first two episodes of Dirty Flash Pair but I won’t be continuing watching that, the entire first series of True Blood, The Blindside, Last Exile episodes one to four and Choke. Not as many films as the previous months but I don’t necessary have full control over what is sent my way.
It also was my birthday and I was treated to a visit by Lee and Blaise and had dinner with my family on the day but was baked a cake my my soul mate and ate pretty much all of it when I went to her house for that weekend.
So May has gone and now the sun is shining and the bugs come out in full force…and people are sweating more…and public transport is even more packed with people…with no air conditioning…maybe I preferred winter…
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