Saturday, 1 May 2010

Do I stay or do I go? Well it’s not a knee-sy decision

So by pure luck I managed to secure myself a physiotherapist appointment for my knee which started since 2007, I mean great it only took 3 years until I was finally seen by one. Anyway it was a strange experience being in a hospital, it wasn’t the physiotherapy room that was strange but rather the Radiology department that was. So full of sick and old people it was that it felt weird as I distance myself from all that. In my world that only happens on TV, film, games and whatever medium, people dying and all that. Being in a place where people looked ill and all that…

Anyway, so it’s confirmed that I’m out for the rest of the football season as I take rehab to strengthen my knee and the cartilage inside it which is a blow to me as I wanted to be a part of the 2 cup finals that were approaching but alas it wasn’t to be.

It got me thinking though, that let’s say that I do manage to get back to the player I was before that injury in 2007 and that if I do get the problem fixed and I’m able to cross and fully bend my leg, wouldn’t one more year of fully playing 100% be the best way to go out? Quite frankly I believe this year I’ve underperformed and that I could have played better, but I think I was just fearful for my knee going ever since so I wasn’t the fearless person I was beforehand.

I may just stay another season and prove that I am the best at least to myself and play with everything I have. It depends on a lot of factors.

By the way I make no apologies for the awfully lame pun in the title of this post.

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