Reality is boring, at least in my world it is and there is hardly any drama in my life.
And that’s the way I kinda like it.
In my world, the drama should be reserved for the story books, films, soaps and games. The only things I’d want in my life are memories and by that I mean good ones. I suppose it’s why I would prefer to watch a fantasy thing where use of imagination is needed and why I’m really enjoying things like Dragon Ball Z, Pokémon (asides the nostalgia), Discworld, Death Note, Heroes, Doctor Who, Lost and similar things as I find them really exciting and fun as opposed to the more mundane aspects of reality such as paying bills and how humanity acts and the media. Basically real life is depressing though it can be exciting at times but sometimes the excitement and drama is just something that I’d find on a soap or a sitcom and I half expect to hear a closing theme music when someone does something really dramatic.
Maybe it can be considered to have a childlike mind but to be honest I don’t really cope well or have really grasped the fact that these things happen. I mean, someone cheating on their partner or domestic abuse was things that happened on the television or to other people…heck, people that I don’t even know. Maybe I just refuse to deal with that stuff because I believe it to be stupid for it to even occur in the first place or maybe I use my head more so my heart or maybe I just don’t have a personal connection with anyone it happens to but whatever the reason for it is, in my world these things just don’t happen.
I think one of the reasons I tend to eschew drama such as this is that it will invariably involve the human concept of ‘morals’. Sooner or later when an dramatic event happens someone mentions about whether it’s “right” or “wrong”.
Pshhh, there is no right or wrong, merely actions and your interpretation of it. Nothing is inherently good nor is it inherently bad and this is part of the reason why I think there’s so much conflict in the world, when two people see the same action or object as different things, rather than accept the fact that the other might not exactly see it in their own way, they attempt to enforce their beliefs and “morals” with the other person resisting their ideas and proceed to enforce their own ideals onto the other as well and no-one really getting anywhere…ah well.
I also often hear the argument that it’s because of morals, emotions and other human concepts that we are ‘better’ than animals like lions and other animals. Well…No. It’s because of things like that that we perceive ourselves to be ‘better’ when in fact we are just a different specie. We have things they don’t, they have things we don’t, neither is better, neither is worse, it is what it is. Then it is said that if we didn’t have things like morals and beliefs we wouldn’t be any better than them but would we really? I believe imaging such a concept is quite hard to do, imagining if we never had such things as emotions and just had the basic instinct to survive without all the fuss about emotions and morals, why, you may as well imagine what the world would be like if the colour red never existed. Whether it’d be a better world for everyone or a worse world…well, that’s all subjective isn’t it?
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