Friday, 26 April 2013

King Lawliet

Introducing King Lawliet

Anime and manga is also something that interests me greatly, again a lot of this is probably due to the fact that I watched a fair few as a child, you know the regular ones like Pokémon...oh Pokémon, still love it to bits now, probably the games more than the actual show or anything but still.

Then you had your Dragonball Z which was huge, I think everybody must have watched that at some point. Goku was probably the most popular character but since I tend to have an aversion to main characters he was anything but that to myself. Oh noo no noooo, my favourite back then was Trunks or to be more accurate Future Trunks, guy had a badass sword when he entered the scene and pretty much took down Frieza in one go, something that Goku and the prince of Saiyans Vegeta himself couldn't do, speaking of Vegeta now I'd probably say he is my favourite now, maybe I'll go into more later but moving on.

The Silver Assassin

Introducing the Silver Assassin

So welcome to the first episode of my Silver Assassin series where the topic is pretty much about videogames

First, a little background, because you never forget your very first I'll start with that, my very first console would have been the Sega Mega Drive and my very first game would have been Kid Chameleon and oh how I loved that game, I used to play on it for ages and I never did actually finish the game properly when I was younger as it was quite difficult, plus the game was like a multi path platformer game meaning that there were different routes you could go which meant you'd get different levels and it would just all be branching off in different directions. If you've ever played the game you'll know the feeling of trying the remember which path it was that DIDN'T lead to...Bloody Swamp...Many a game has been ended on that very level.

Wednesday, 24 April 2013

The Samba Magician

Introducing The Samba Magician
Ladies and gentlemen, you are now in the presence of a true visionary, the one the only, the Samba Magician. Why the Samba Magician? Quite simply because I have skills like a Brazilian and tricks like a magician.
I started off playing football at a young age as you do in the school playground with all your friends and I have really fond memories of my time there such as how we used to do the day after a champions league, the Manchester United supporters vs everyone else. So we'd have like Manchester United vs Juventus or Man U vs Barcelona with of course everyone who didn't like Man U on the Juventus/Barcelona side. The same applied for the Arsenal supporters because back then no-one cared about Chelsea or Liverpool because quite frankly if you didn't support Arsenal or Manchester United other you were a nobody.

Tuesday, 23 April 2013

The Introduction

My introduction to my While I'm Still Sane series

It took a while but I've finally gotten round to doing this video blog and I wanted to do this because it was something I wanted to just try my hand at.

I've always had many different interests and have always wanted to try new things as I get bored a fair bit and wanted to experience many things. I guess right now this video log was what I really wanted to do.

My name is Jason and as I mentioned earlier I have many different interests such as football, video games, manga, wrestling, music, all sorts so this really is what this will be about, everything and anything. So then, one thing that I wanted to mention was that this would my view and opinions on things and that's really why you'd be watching this as that's one thing that kind of stopped me from doing this in the past as I didn't really like saying stuff unless it was worth saying and that for a lot of things I always felt that there are better sources of knowledge on a particular subject so if you want the best information on a particular topic then you’re better off getting it from someone who is more in the know as all you’d get from me is opinion.

Quite frankly this is still how I feel but I'm not going to let that stop me from doing all this because it'll help me in more ways than one. I wanted to have somewhere to record my experiences so that I can look back on a later date and then see how much I've progressed...or regressed if that's the case. I do this with my personal blog that I have...oh yeah for those that don't know I have a personal blog called ‘While I'm Sane’. While it hasn't really been updated as of late, maybe I should get back to doing that too...anyway my point was I was looking back through some of the posts I made in the 2010 to 2011 years and I see them and I think 'man, those were some pretty dark posts' I was in a really dark place then. And to be fair I was, I can remember an instance where I would have thrown myself out the window and the drop would have been huge but I suppose I caught myself when I realised that the window didn't open wide enough. And don't get me started about the times I would drift off when I was about to cross the road and I'd see a huge lorry or bus coming and just...think...or when a train was coming.

Anyway I didn't mean to take this depressing turn, all I really wanted to say is that when you look back at those times and then reflect on yourself now you'll realise how much you've changed your mentality and attitude and that’s why I do this “diary” as it helps to better yourself by not repeating the mistakes of my past.

Anyway, for those that know me and are watching this maybe you'll find out something about me that you never knew before, who knows.

So this is my first video in which I hope explains what I am trying to do and why I'm doing all this. Hopefully you'll be there for my next upload but in the meantime this is Jason signing off so take care.

Monday, 22 April 2013

The Prologue

While I’m Sane: Dairy of Me Prologue

So I finally got one done, sorry about the quality but I just wanted to get one out just at least get started.