Friday, 10 February 2012

The Death of Death Note

Finished The Lost Symbol and I'm moving onto Death Note now...well I have been for some time and my conclusions are always the same... That while I may really really really love Death Note it severely declines the moment after the battle between L and Light...I don't know whether that's because of the characters that are introduced afterwards, especially Near, I just did not find them to be good or interesting characters but ah well, my next step is to watch the anime as I haven't seen it and would love to do just that.

Here's hoping I get round to having the entire series at my viewing pleasure just like I did with the manga.

Tuesday, 7 February 2012

Blast from the past

"But I'm right and you know that I'm right"

Those were the words of a boy who would grow up to type it out 5 years later on this very blog. What was I referring to?

Quite simply me and Ken were having a debate on the best city in the world and of course I was doing my thing of beating down any of their suggestions with logic and it was actually quite fun how we went on for quite some time even gaining an audience to view and chip in with their suggestions.

I bring this up why? Because I was thinking about people from the past and how they have an idea of me and who I am and...or rather, how they don't have an idea of who I am. You know, maybe it's just my memory but some of the ideas some may have about me are just completely wrong when applied to me now.

So Bethany talked to me since a while and I got the feeling that the idea of who I am was stuck in the past because there were just some things that she said that made me think that that the idea of who I am was just a bit out-dated and stuck in the past.

I personally feel that I've mellowed out a lot more but of course they won't really know that and that is part of the reason why I don't really like to talk about the past so much…at least to people I know and knew me back then.

Monday, 6 February 2012

You and I, we were born to die

I actually love how this happens, I'll just be oblivious to all the hype about a particular artist and then I'll decide to give it a listen before deciding HEEY This is reaally good!

Today or rather a few days ago I experienced that with Lana Del Ray and her "debut" album Born To Die. I say debut but really there was an album before apparently and was pulled or something like that.

Anyway for me music isn't about being the perfect singer or anything as for me the delivery and how you come across on the microphone and the lyrics will mean more to me than singing in perfect tune and melody ever could. I think that's why I'm hooked on artists such as The-Dream, The Weeknd and their kind of music as opposed to people like Usher because of the picture they can paint with their delivery and words.

Anyway with Lana Del Ray, I came into the album without any expectations and was...pleasantly surprised. Her breathless delivery, haunting melody and times of ecstasy just sends me into another world and has me hypnotised from the first verse of 'Born To Die' all the way to the last note on 'This Is What Makes Us Girls' (and even through the bonus songs as well) and I really enjoyed it.

I'm still not feeling Video Games but maybe sooner or later it will grow on me as it was the only single that I knew from her, in fact it was the only song that I knew from her and I hadn't even heard the song, simply saw it in the Top 40 one week and that was it, I didn't think I'd actually listen to the song but yeah it hasn't grown on me but there is still time.

She reminds me of Ellie Goulding and Marina and The Diamonds in that I'm eagerly awaiting their next album and that I want more of them but knowing that it will not be anytime soon if ever...and now I wish I hadn't reminded myself about Marina and The Diamonds as I reeeeeally enjoyed The Family Jewels...I think I need to give that another listen now.

So Born To Die is definitely is going to be my contender for album of the year and several songs will make my shortlist of top songs but hey, there's still the rest of the year to go

Sunday, 5 February 2012

Yes you totally are a bi- I mean witch

Ahhhhhhhhhhhhh, choo. Freezing cold weather isn't cool whatsoever.

The weather has gotten colder than usual as of late which quite frankly makes mornings a bit of a pain seeing as the heating in my room doesn't actually work or anything so yeah.

I really ought to go to sleep earlier and thus wake up earlier because there is always so much to do in the day and waking up earlier would solve a lot of these...timing problems but the problem is not much really happens until night so up I stay.

So what else has been happening? Not much just the same routine really. Found out Phoenix Wright 5 has been confirmed so I look forward to that but it's probably going to be a continuation of the Apollo Justice story which I'm not too pleased about seeing as I found his story to not really be all that interesting but I guess we'll wait and see.

Finished the story of Bayonetta so that's another to my list but now it's all about getting the achievements if I can before locking the game up away forever like Dante's Inferno, Final Fantasy XIII, Sonic Generations and other 100% completed games.

I had heard about Bayonetta and it had received critical acclaim so I decided to try it (plus the fact that I purchased it nearly a year ago and just hadn't gotten round to playing it) and I wouldn't say I was surprised but it really was enjoyable fun.

The controls were easy and simple to get used to and could lead to many combinations while fighting and thus getting into it was incredibly easy. Torture sequences and Wicked weave attacks were glorious to watch and fun to execute and the dialogue and cut scenes were another thing of beauty with all their references to other games and that.

If there was a downside to it from my experience was that the story wasn't exactly easy to follow when starting and a lot of the times I was thinking "what on earth is going on? Wait, what's my journey about anyway" and the questions aren't really answered until the final chapter and by then it was a bit too late to really care and simply just wanted to complete the game especially when I was sooo close to it (incidentally, why is it I only ever seem to finish games late at night, why can't I finish a game at a nice time like in the middle of day or something).

So yeah asides from that it was really fun to play though some of the Alfheim chapters were frustrating as hell and I haven't even finished them all yet. I look forward to trying to complete the game on the hardest of hard mode (Climax mode) and no doubt that will be my last achievement on the game so then I can put the game down.

I just hope that on the final boss it isn't too frustrating and I end up physically not being able to complete it a la I Want To Be The Guy. I'm still annoyed about that to this day.

Saturday, 4 February 2012

Guilty before proven innocent

So John Terry isn't going to resign his captaincy during the Euros because he feels he is innocent? Good for him I guess, in a society where people are guilty until proven innocent (and even then still guilty in some people's eyes) I actually feel sorry for him as he receives so much abuse from all sorts of people when the possibility remains that he might actually have been innocent but either way the media and society have already decided that he is guilty