Just me trying to make sense of this existence before I go crazy. My interpretation of the world and all my thoughts all in my diary...
Sunday, 31 July 2011
Oh look, yet another Sandstorm team…yay
Now it originally was just to test a new team idea I had but I guess it may be some time before I actually get it on the cartridge but oh well I’M HAVING A BLAST
So I noted and not really that surprised at it that people tend to use the most powerful ones and bleh what can you do, but I can’t count how many Tyranitars, Ferrothorns and Latios I've seen but it’s a lot.
Then I look at my team and think yeah it’s not so different but I know I had a team and what I wanted to do with it and that was to use a Rain Dish Ludicolo and the rest of the team kind of fell into place. I like this team and while yes it has some maaaaaajor issues like not really being able beat some of the tougher threats and a lack of Rapid Spin due to me removing Forretress for a Gliscor but that was because before that change it was like “Breloooooom! *shakes fists angrily* and thus a change was actually needed. But anyway yeah, I have fun with it and that’s what matters really.
Also it’s probably better that I use this team on this simulator as opposed to the cartridge games due to the amount of times I’ve been involved in a stall war with just one Pokémon left and their grass or water type against my Milotic or Ludicolo…I’ve gone waaay past turn 100 because of this.
So I’m really thinking of a new team but I need a new theme and idea to play with and I was thinking Magic Bounce so that might be my next thing I play with but of course I will need to look at some other ideas, preferably ones that wouldn’t get much use.
Oh and I’ve also got to make myself a winning team to use on the ladders. May as well see how easy it is to stop and learn more about them for when I face them with my other teams
Saturday, 30 July 2011
Life of a human
While I could talk about a famous Mr Smith’s speech about how humans are like a virus but the truth is while yes we may have accelerated the destruction of this planet by however many years it is, I feel human can be and are an amazing specie.
No, what I was thinking was my knee when I went to shut a window and had to kneel on something, I couldn’t help but to think what happens when your body stops repairing itself? What happens when your lungs, your kidney or even your brain says “Nope, that’s it, I’m done, I’m out” and I think wow, maybe yes we are helpless little creatures.
Not only that but every time I think about space and this Earth and how vast out “there” is, you can’t help but think that you are sort of insignificant…but don’t take this to be depressing and miserable because mixed in with that feeling of insignificance is a equal and maybe more feeling of awe and amazement that there is just so much out there.
The possibilities as they say are truly endless.
Friday, 29 July 2011
Just my CycloDS
So after days of telling me about how these things were amazing I listened to Foxx about getting one of these and yep, certainly worth it and now I’m pretty much overwhelmed with the possibilities of this thing that I am not utilising it heh.
Currently…or at least at the time I was typing this out I am playing 999 which is 9 Hours 9 Persons 9 Doors and I’m enjoying that so far despite the fact I haven’t got far in it but the fact that I’m into it already is a good sign as there have been games where it has started off slow and recovered slightly or never really recovered at all and suffice to say it has not been the best of game experiences but I’m glad it most likely won’t happen with this.
So anyway I have this thing which allows me to play so many games and do so many things which means I can never ever be bored with it.
I’ve already played Pokémon Blaze Black…or rather I’m kind of playing it now along with 999 and I find it a new challenge…especially those damned Gym Leaders. I’m currently on the ice type and I am a bit more positive towards that than how I felt about the other gyms (except Elisa, she was easy) and that my team is better prepar- wait nooo I didn’t mean it like that gah haha. So yes my team is ready to take on Pryce and get my next badge.
I have also played Advance Wars Day of Ruin and found it to be vastly different from the Advance Wars before that (that was the whole point) but the storyline was better due to the darker tone. Not saying doom and gloom is all good but this comic pretty much has it summed up. While the battles in the main story mode were quite fun the last battle however is a no. I hated it and groaned the fact that yet again I’m facing a machine or thing as opposed to a proper army and that they have lasers that reduce your HP and mortars that do the same. Not my idea of a fun battle at all but no matter, I beat it anyway.
So yeah I have my CycloDS and from time to time I quickly go onto Tetris as it’s so quick and easy to set up and it is really fun and addictive. I’m actually really glad I got this, now I don’t really have to worry about missing out on good DS games anymore.
Thursday, 28 July 2011
Working up a sweat
Maybe it’s because football hasn’t come across that often and that…no wait, I should say “serious football” because the kind I have at the moment isn’t all that but I will stick with it for at least this year and then next year depending on my progress I shall see where my futures lies next.
So I’ve basically been given a training programme to adhere to and thank goodness because left to my own devices I probably would not have done much and meh may be even doing it wrong but at least this way I have a better chance of improving myself and staying in shape for when I need it i.e. the upcoming zombie apocalypse.
So I shall try and keep updated with my progress and hopefully in 4-6 weeks time there will be a slight improvement and all
Wednesday, 27 July 2011
Heey Foxx, happy now?
So I really ought to start updating this thing a lot more often really. I mean it’s not like nothing interesting has happened in my life to justify status updates and I do have lots of thoughts I wanted to type down but you know what? I just never get round to it.
But I did say that I was never any good at this, I’m always seeing things as projects and then when I can view the final product or something then I get bored of it…I find this happens all too much and in lots of different ways, for me it’s more about the journey than the actual destination. Not just that but the fact that once I can realistically see the destination I tend to want to just get on with a new project as then I know that it can be done by me hence why I have a LOT of things unfinished.
But I think a routine is needed and hopefully I should be able to get into that and I guess it’s about time as I’ve gone long enough doing what I like and being unstructured.
I think at the very minimum I should be updating this thing once a week, four times a month but I know that sooner or later I will slip up but oh well what can you do.