So anyway I’m back with this thing, and as you can see I’m still alive, ah but are you sure of that maybe it’s my ghostly spirit writing all this though I do have to wonder if my ghostly spirit did come back to roam the earth I’m sure it would do something a lot more productive than updating this blog. Now it is September and life is umm, still not how I’d imagined the high life but hey, I’m still working on that, anyway, ohh, speaking about life I did have a little ponder about life really (when do I not do that?) and while yes the situation is dire and hopeless etc, best not to worry about it at times. I’ve just been job hunting and as soul crushing as that is, there’s really not much else to do really, is there.
I’d like to say that I’m going to start being all cheerful and all but that’s a lie really but bleh. I’m thinking about all the stuff that I could do really and that, just looked up some of the old songs I wrote and I was thinking about actually finishing them because after singing it to myself…in my head, I found I actually liked them, just wished I was any decent enough to actually do something about it. I did try some new ones and to start on some new ones but the more I thought about it the more I thought, what do I really want to talk about? Because I personally would only write songs or heck do anything that I identify with in a way. I write them for me really so the message has to be something I believe in, it has to be fitting to my personality really. Not just writing lyrics but in all aspects of life. I’m just not the typical sort of person really and everything has to be…well…me. I won’t dress up a try to be someone else, heck if I see something I like, I like it, if there’s a song I like, then I’m liking it. The same applies to TV shows, films, cars (even though I care not for them), games, everything, If I like it, then I like it and I think that’s something that really should apply to everyone, people should be less worried what others think but I know that will never really be that easy. People are going to naturally associate objects and things with an identity and it doesn’t help that those people perpetuate that belief and it then it just makes people believe it even further.
So anyway like I said I’m back? Not and umm…enjoy not reading it I guess, not that anyone checks these things.
I Do :]