The next generation of consoles already started with the Wii-U but let's face it, I hardly care about the Wii-U, it's not like the Wii before it where I was intrigued by it and that I had to purchase it as it'd be the only way to play the latest Super Smash Brothers and that was all I really wanted to play at the time.
I didn't get the Wii at release date but a bit afterwards but well in advance of the Super Smash Brothers Brawl release date just so I was ready and prepared for when it came out. I do not feel this with the Wii-U, maybe part of it is because there isn't an actual release date for the Wii-U edition of the popular franchise but I feel a large part is due to the fact that for me the Wii-U is extremely underwhelming and doesn't really have any real stand out reason for me to go and purchase one right now. Sure, it has Zombi U which does actually look interesting to me and I played a bit at Eurogamer and it's worth a look at but I really don't want to be getting a console again just for one real game again, I want it to already have a plethora of great titles and must have games, something that personally I feel the Wii-U fails at.