I feel...I feel like, my importance is criminally understated but maybe that's due to others just not understanding how the world works...or at least them not really understanding how I myself view the world.
Now, friends, funny little lot with their quirks and traits. I mean what defines a friend anyway, what do I think a friend is? I don't even know. I suppose I can say I know a lot of people, others I merely tolerate but I guess I'm glad I know a lot of good people that I'd consider friends.
Now the thing with me is reciprocation and just the way I operate when I do deeds. What brought this on? Well swapping shifts and that moment when you need a favour but you don't get it. How does that make you feel? Disappointed doesn't it because that moment that they say no is when you thing of all the things you've done for them. Of course you weren't so naive to think that they'd automatically say yes but you'd think maybe they'd be a bit more helpful, a bit more....helpful. I mean I don’t do things because I want something in return, that’s never really a way to operate in front of people noooo, I do things because I want to and I also want people to do things for me because they want to as well.
They say to treat people how you want to be treated. That's complete bullcrap, good guys get walked all over all the time, the good guys get jackshit and taken advantage of time and time, I would know.
Don't get me wrong, I'm not under the illusion that I'm a "good" guy, good and bad are all subjective terms not matter what anyone tries to tell you but I try to help people when I can, isn't that the attitude everyone should take?
So yeah while I await the thanks that will never turn up I ask once again, when do I get my due god? When do I get reward for my actions and my kind deeds towards others? Oh wait I don't believe in you or karma, ahhh I feel better already =]
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