Thursday, 14 April 2011

My child

Ahh, I suppose this is really an apology seeing as I'd never do it to your face really but I am trying, really.

You see, family is a tricky concept which I've not really believed in all too much, I mean, I try to teach, not even that but for you to think for yourself and make that decision for yourself as to what is "right" and what is "wrong". Yes I know I know, I should be telling you that "so and so is good blah blah blah" and that "murder, killing, etc is wrong" D=< but do you want to know why I try to eschew telling you that? It's because you do what you want, I hope I did bring you up to at least understand actions and consequences, understand that yes if you are going to do something that's "wrong" there will be consequences and that is what should ultimately affect your decision to do anything.

I guess I believe I'm just doing the right thing and all, and yeah I'll admit to really just making stuff up as I go along, not really having a game plan in parenthood but yeah, maybe it's because I didn't really have a father, sure in my early years I did but I guess when you're a teenager and discovering things and self reflecting that's when you need somebody, if anybody to provide you with a little guidance but don't ask me how it's done because I've never experienced it for myself so once again, I'm sorry my child.

Just know that I'll always try my best and give you the guidance you need

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