Wednesday, 17 March 2010

Dream Journal: Part 2

I have weird dreams but to be honest I quite like them, they give you the chance to speak to people that you would never normally speak to, catch up with old acquaintances and just do things that you would never normally do.

Anyway lets see if I can remember my dream this morning.

So yet again it takes place in my primary school Hargrave Park on a Monday. How do I know it was a Monday? Well because I remember talking to one of the carestaff about my induction to the place (it made sense at the time) when she was talking about how I came early and there wouldn’t be much point doing the induction today only for me to come back on Friday to do nothing (as everyone had to). So while we talked about several options we settled on me doing half of the training now and half on the Friday with everyone there.

I started of with having to get a drink (pineapple juice) for Tommy Pickles, yes, that Tommy Pickles who for some strange reason kept morphing into Angelica and my 3 year old cousin and they kept drinking it slowly because it was too cold. That would have been freaky in the real world but since this is my dream world everything is normal for me and makes sense…to a point.

Anyway the next scene takes place outside the building…well on top of it. Where there is some sort of hostage situation/suicidal person taking place on the rooftops and me and my team are sent in to diffuse the situation. The captor/suicidal person I recognise as this person that I see in the library almost every time I’m at the library. He sleeps and wander around in the library and usually heads to McDonalds when it closes and I have no idea what he does after that but it’s the same pattern every day…anywaaaaay, this person who I shall call Wayne is standing on top of the building about to jump while his hostage, yes hostage, is strutting around goading him. I can’t remember who the hostage was but they had a sort of cyborg face and whatnot.

So me and my team which consisted entirely of me and Fat Joe (I really don’t know so don’t ask), as a sort of SWAT team we had to diffuse the situation by arresting ‘Wayne’ or by eliminating him (preferably the former) so we found a ladder round the back of the school and climbed, climbed, climbed until we reached the top where Fat Joe had a problem getting himself over the top rung because he couldn’t manage to pull himself over so we spent a few minutes trying to pull him onto the roof.

When we finally got top we had to sort out camouflage clothing and that took a while as well anyway for all the time we wasted sneaking up to Wayne, the hostage had a trick up his sleeve. Turns out the hostage was some sort of government official and called in some helicopters to take care of the situation and use their missile and guns to eliminate Wayne. After some firing and shooting on both sides (where me and Joe were kind of caught in the middle to be honest), I had a sense of realisation that they were going to bomb the whole surrounding and that it was a good idea to get out of there pronto.

So we jumped down from the roof and went into the nursery play area and into the storage place because there was a bomb cellar down there however I remember that I was probably haunted with ghosts and the likes so we rather not be there (we all thought like that at the time in primary, anything that’s old and dusty is haunted. That goes for the music room in the attic of the school). So we settle for going inside the nursery building and found a trapdoor which led to a square room underground that had windows albeit blacked out you could see outside and 2 doors that led outside (Yay for non-Euclid architecture).

So while my and Joe were trapped underground with the bombs dropping and everything above being wiped out we got message that some people wanted to reside in the underground shelter as they escaped the bombs and needed a place to stay. Now we didn’t really get a message as such resembling a phone call or letters but rather the idea of getting a message in my dream world is just ‘knowing’, if something is going to happen you just get a sense of knowing it’ll happen. I guess it makes things move along quicker rather than me having to read or listen to a message and interpret it all.

While waiting Joe starts eating some blueberry cheesecake and I guess he must have not heard my request for some because he just ate it all for himself (or probably ignored me) while I was stuck with soggy cornflakes and milk with some orange juice. Anyway first off a little cartoon mouse I recognise as Jerry walks inside via the window and walks next to the door when it cartoon fashion someone opens the door and gets flattened like a pancake. The person who opened the door? Thomas.

So after breaking up the fight and establishing why Tom and Jerry have hated each other I then follow Sasha and Michaela outside the room (I have no idea how they got inside in the first place but meh), past the doomsday cult that lived next door into the main building which was blacked out probably due to the bombing.

The scene was set to become a sort of horror movie where we try to escape and survive whatever horrors and creatures lurk inside this ancient building of mysteries where truths shall be revealed about every one of us and we shall face challenges that would have pushed the human body to the brink of endurance and all that jazz………but then I woke up…

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